So did you hear the one about the Disney Princess and the iconic female super-hero?

Here’s my latest — this was for week three of CBR’s “The Line Is Drawn” try-outs. The theme was “comic book characters in different genres.” I really went for the Disney-style vibe in this one, so I had to do some research on Prince Charmings and Fairy Godmothers…

The Twitter suggestion was “Wonder Woman as a Disney Princess,” which you can take in a number of directions. I knew I wanted to challenge the “princess waiting for rescue” notion, and I knew Diana wouldn’t be that princess. So the concept came pretty easily…

Here’s the pencil rough…

I usually do my inking and coloring in Adobe Illustrator, using my Wacom Tablet. So here’s what that looked like:

But I really wanted that lush Disney look… so off to Adobe Photoshop for some shading and texturing…

… and viola!

What I didn’t anticipate is the viral-ness of the image! It seems to have really struck a chord from all the shares, notes, reblogs and comments I’ve been receiving! So thanks, one and all!

Please stay and enjoy some more of my work here or on my Deviant Art Page.

And, oh, if you want to see more of my work, vote for me here.